Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Hurray! The Fuzzy Feet are done. See them here in all their glory (yes I know one is bigger than the other; I'm hoping that felting will help to solve that.)

I showed them to my husband last night when they were completed and he said, "Who are they for?" I think he thought I'd started to date a caveman on the side. I then had to explain the felting process, at which point his eyes glazed over. Oh well, can't expect everyone to love it this much!

Word to the wise: it is generally not a good idea to wait until you have about 20 stitches on DPNs to join new yarn. You get Attack of the Yarn Tails while you're wrestling the porcupine. Not fun. However, if you defeat the Scary Tails and the Dreaded Porcupine, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction, hence the title of this post.

Hurrah, hurrah! I am so happy to have finished these. Now, it's off to cast on for the Felted Bag project!


AngeliasKnitting said...

I can't wait to see the end result! (I find it hard to believe that anyone could not LOVE felting...maybe it's a male thing??) :-)

I'm hoping to finish the bag I'm currently working on (it will be felted) - soon. I'm going to try something new with the handles - I just need to figure out exactly how I want to do it.

Anyway. Glad you're back!

Nik said...

the colder my nights become, the more I start thinking that I need to make some of those fuzzy feet. a lot of people are making them and they look like a fun project.

String Bean said...

Nice fuzzy feet. The closest I've come to felting is with my almost not really finished cat bed. More like a cat mat really.

I know exactly how you feel when your hubby's eyes glazed over. It happens to me all the time when I try to talk knitting with..hm, well, with anyone who doesn't knit. So, the majority of my friends. Maybe I should trade them in for knitting ones.